Stories from RWU

From the Library

Anne "Pete" Baker Collection

Anne "Pete" Baker was a restoration contractor, building archeologist, and consultant. She "collected" and preserved over two hundred 17th and 18th century homes and buildings in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

Catherine Hawks:

Recently retired from her position as Professor of Music at Roger Williams University, Catherine established the RWU Instrumental Ensemble and taught music history, world music, and humanities.
She enjoyed the first solo exhibition of her textile work in spring 2023 on the RWU campus.

Narragansett Pacer

First bred in 17th-century Rhode Island, the Narragansett Pacer was famous for its smooth and easy gait and its ability to cover up to 100 miles per day without tiring itself or its rider.

Source: UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Source: UN Photo/Evan Schneider